Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Dear Jay

Dear Jay,

I had every intention on writing you a letter for your first birthday. Well, that came and went, and you are already about to turn 15 months old. I've always been a procrastinator, and you'll come to realize that eventually, but better late than never right? :) I don't even know where to start or what to say really because I can't even begin to explain the love that I have for you. I am so very blessed that God chose me to be your mommy. I pray that I never have to know what life is like without you. I promise to teach you about God's love and grace, and I pray that you lean on Him always. I promise to teach you how to be a gentleman and to have good morals. I promise to teach you to be kind and to have manners. I promise to do my best at being a good example for you. I promise to be a really good mommy and to always have time for you. You have changed my life, and for that I am so thankful.

Let me tell you about what you've been up to lately. You had a really fun Cardinals birthday party. It was at Lincoln park, and it was really hot outside, and you fell asleep on the 60 second car ride there and slept for an hour and a half!! I had to wake you up because your guests wanted to see you! It was a big party...you have too many friends already little guy! You got tons of cool toys that you love to play with! You were just taking a few steps at a time at your birthday party, and within a week or so you took off and haven't looked back since! You practically run now! You love to chase Doug around the house...it makes you belly laugh! Dougie tolerates you pretty well, seeing as how you climb all over him and hug him and kiss him all day long. You just started blowing kisses, like actual ones...you pucker and make the sound and everything. It is too cute! You always give random kisses, and it makes my day. You've started giving full teeth grins...you have 8 chompers right now, and 1 that just broke through! Sometimes you use that little mouth full of teeth to bite, and mommy is trying to get you over that real fast! You love to say ball, bat, hat, shoe, sock, hi, bye, mama, dada, doug, jay, more, eye, baby, uh-oh, and your own version of "peek a boo" (sounds like pee bee). You mock a lot of things that we say, but it doesn't all quite sound like the right word. :) Everything that is round is a ball to you...fruit, decorations, pumpkins...you name it. You love to point out babies, and you love to wave at people. You are mommy's best walking partner, and you always get really excited when we pass a dog or hear one! You have a cute little bark sound that you make! You love to brush your hair and pretend to put bobby pins in it...haha, too much time with mommy! You have had 2 haircuts already, and you're ready for a 3rd! The first one I did while you were sleeping, and the other one I did while you were playing in the kitchen...ha! That one was a little difficult. You play, eat, and sleep so well. I couldn't ask for a better sleeper...you give mommy 12 hour nights almost every night. And, you eat pretty much anything. You recently started shaking your head no to every question, even if you mean yes..it's really funny. You have some rockin' dance moves, and even the slightest little jingle in a commercial can make you show them off. You love to play outside more than anything even though we don't have much of a yard! You make me smile and laugh every single day. I am so blessed, you are truly a gift.

I love you so much, Jay! I look forward to all the fun we have coming up this year. Right now, I'm getting ready to get you up from your nap to go to the pumpkin patch...you're gonna love it!

I love you!

1 comment:

  1. Love you too Jay! I hope you and my boys are just as close as me and your Mommy!
