Hi Friends! I'm alive! Glory hallelujah! Last week I had all these great intentions of being very productive over my days off, but that didn't quite work out as planned. Monday night I was hit with some kind of bug and ended up in bed with fever and some other issues until Thursday night. I hadn't been to the doctor (besides being pregnant) since I was a kid, and I chose to go because I couldn't get rid of my fever. So, then I realized that I didn't really have a regular doctor because it had been so long. I just wanted to stay in town since I felt like complete poo, so I went to Dr. Mahtani. He is fantastic, so if any of you out there are looking for a family doctor, I highly recommend him and his staff! I hate hate hate being sick, so I am extra appreciative for my health these days.
Anyways, I thought I would crack up laughing when I read all my intentions for last week, but I actually didn't do too bad! We did have pigs in a blanket one night. We did do something nice and unexpected for some friends. I didn't set a weight loss goal, but being sick gave me a little head start...haha!! I did wash my bed sheets because I was doing everything I could to keep everyone else in the house healthy. So far so good! And, I'm pretty sure I've been a loving wife lately because I found myself out at that dumb deer stand again on Sunday afternoon, and this time it was pouring rain. It was muddy, yucky, and cold, but Zach needed help putting up his markers...whatever that means, lol! I didn't touch my closet, which is sad, but hopefully I can make my way there this week. I didn't get any decorating done outside...hopefully soon! I also didn't make it to the rummage sale, which makes me very sad, but there'll always be another one!
I'm excited for the week ahead! I hope to get a bit more accomplished this week than I did last week! I'm looking forward to a movie night with my bff tomorrow night, a trip to Garden Ridge hopefully Wednesday, and work the rest of the week, and a date night with my hubby on Friday. We are excited to see the new movie "Courageous"! I hope you all have a good week...stay healthy!!
Glad you're feeling better!