I confess that I'm kinda excited to join in on the "Confession Friday" fun!
I confess that our house has been ready for baseboards for over a year, and we still don't have them. My husband wants to wait until our upstairs is done, but it drives me batty!
I confess that I love my family dearly, but I sooo enjoy the 2 hours I get to spend alone after all my boys go to bed.
I confess that I miss going to the gym...like really bad. I walk or jog almost everyday, but it's just not the same. I just wish the Y had daycare for babies!
I confess that I'm a tight wad. I don't buy anything that's not on sale, and I love thrift stores and yard sales!
I confess that I have been terrible about brushing Jay's teeth lately. I used to do it everynight with one of those little finger toothbrushes, but now that he has a full set of chompers, he bites! The boy needs a real toothbrush.
I confess that the last thing on my shopping list is "a real toothbrush for Jay". You know, in case I accidentally grabbed a fake one.
I confess that tomorrow (or today if you're reading this on Friday) is my 1 year anniversary at Deterding Drugs, and I couldn't be happier. The balance I have between work and home is perfect for me!
I confess that, if I'm going somewhere, there's always some teasing involved with my hair. Whether my hair is in a ponytail, scrunchy, or straight, I gotta have that volume!
I confess that Zach has slept with a box fan right by our heads every.single.night. since we've been married, and I still hate it. I still ask him at least once a week to turn it off for just one night. Nope!
I confess that I love reading everyone's comments, so leave me a confession!!
Have a great weekend! I think we're gonna head to the Musketeer's first home game! :)
I am right there with you with the fan while sleeping. Dane has to have the ceiling fan on AND a fan on next to the bed. I've gotten so use to it, although I hate it. and I begged for him to turn it off a few weeks ago--and I couldn't sleep!!! I'm so use to the sound, it was so soothing when he turned it back on! LOL
ReplyDeleteI confess a few days before my induction date is someones birthday, and I really don't want my kid to share a birthday with them.. so I'm planning on laying in bed and doing NOTHING all day long so I don't do anything to put myself in labor. lol
I am not very patient when it comes to the teeth brushing thing. Ty usually starts off by sucking the toothpaste off the brush then I just hold his mouth open and get as much brushed as he lets me.
ReplyDeleteI confess that I sleep way better when I put a pillow in-between my legs but I am usually to tried when I go to bed to grab an extra one. So when Josh leaves for work I steal his. Lol....he would die if he knew this happened everyday!
I LOL-ed at the "real toothbrush" you know in case I get a fake one. Too funny.
ReplyDeleteI confess that I'm not a very good teeth brusher either. I give Stella her toothbrush in the tub at night and she usually ends up just sucking off the toothpaste and brushing her tounge. I think oh well at least her teeth are getting something.
Count us in the trouble with bruising club. Some nights I don't even try...
ReplyDeleteI confess that I cannot get my hair to stay teased no matter what I do. I think I have issues.
We'll see you at the game tonight! That is, if it's not pouring down rain. :)
Not bruising...brushing!! Holy cow, I'm gonna get in trouble. :D