I've finally given in! I can honestly say that I never thought I would have a blog. I find myself, everyday, writing little notes about things that my son does or says in hopes that I will remember these oh so precious moments of his life years down the road. I have a terrible memory. I don't have many specific memories of things until someone reminds me of them. So, I figured, if anything this will help me "track" life from here on out. That is, if I keep up with it! ;) So, here I am.

Jay is 13 1/2 months old. He is definitely on the move. He started walking a little over a month ago, and now he's practically running. He is so much fun! I love seeing his little personality develop in a new way everyday. At one point in my life I wasn't sure if I wanted kids, and boy am I glad that God changed my heart. He is such a blessing to our lives.
Oh, and I almost forgot, he is best buds with our 6 year old boxer, Doug.
I look forward to sharing new, fun experiences with everyone and re-living some old ones!
P.S. How do ya like the name of my blog? Haha! I know it's terrible, but that's all I could come up with!! I even just deleted it a little bit ago in hopes that I could come up with something else. Nothin!
Have a great Thursday!!